Packaging Machines
Impulse Sealer - Semi Automatic
Semi Automatic Impulse Sealers are the next step up from Foot Sealers with providing fast sealing operation and excellent performance for high production jobs. Semi Automatic Impulse Sealers are recommended for a variety of other common thermoplastic materials including : Polyethylene, Polyurethane, Polyvinylchloride, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Saran, Nylon, bubble packs, padded mailers, foil, coated bags and etc.
Semi Automatic Impulse Sealers controlled by electronic timers, once correct setting have been programmed, consistent seals and cooling are maintained automatically for perfect sealing quality. Operator allowed to set the Heating Time 0 - 2 sec and Cooling Time 0 - 4 sec for diifferent kind of film thicnkess. Semi Automatic Impulse Sealers includes an electric foot pedal for manual operation.
Semi Automatic Impulse Sealers are easy to use (no warm-up time), economical (electricity is only used when the jaw is lowered during the sealing process), and safe (no component of these devices is always hot) which is ideal for sealing operations in packaging candies, food, stationery, drugs, tools, replacement parts and a variety of other products.
Also Known as:-
- Heat Sealer
- Plastic Bag Sealer
- Sealer Machine
- Plastic Sealer
-Bag Sealing Machine